It has been over 50 years since humanity took its first steps on the moon during the Apollo program. Today, with the U.S.-led Artemis lunar exploration campaign underway, Japanese astronauts are poised to follow in those historic footsteps. In recent years, space-related industries have advanced rapidly, transcending traditional domains like rocket launches and exploration to encompass satellite-based communication and data-driven applications. Space development has evolved into a thriving business sector, drawing an increasing number of private companies. Intrigued by Nagoya University's innovative talent development program centered on "private sector space utilization," we decided to explore what it has to offer.
Flyer for the "Advanced Course" launched in March 2023
Space has shifted from a realm of mystery and exploration to a practical resource, thanks to satellite technology. Satellite broadcasting, data communication, weather forecasting, disaster prediction, car navigation, and mapping have become everyday conveniences. More recently, satellites are being leveraged for diverse applications, such as analyzing Earth's environment, managing agricultural yields, forecasting retail trends, estimating vehicle exports, and monitoring oil reserves.
In response to these growing possibilities, Nagoya University launched its talent development program in 2019. Bridging arts and sciences, the initiative aims to nurture professionals not only in rocket and satellite design, but also from diverse academic and professional backgrounds equipped to conduct research and make practical use of satellite data.
Hands-on training in modelling satellites in CAD software
The program's advanced course, held over two weeks in early March 2024, combines online lectures with in-person practical sessions in a hybrid format. The course attracts around 40 participants from across Japan--including university and graduate students, professionals, and technical college students.
Students Passionate About Satellite and Space Data Unite!
During our visit to the in-person sessions held at Nagoya University's School of Science Building, we observed participants delving into "vibration testing" and "thermal vacuum testing." As the program's only in-person lecture, participants traveled from afar to Nagoya University to take part in the practical training. Designated Associate Professor Kazutaka Yamaoka from Nagoya University's Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research emphasized the importance of such activities, stating, "These are essential tests required when launching satellites into space. Regardless of how one interacts with space, it is critical for people to understand that these processes exist."
Participants creating insulation materials using authentic satellite-grade film
In the thermal vacuum test, participants learned about thermal management by examining the heat-resistant properties of satellites, where surface temperatures range from -150°C in shadow to 120°C in sunlight.
They worked with genuine heat-resistant films used in satellites, layering them to create insulation and heat dissipation samples. "Even actual satellites are manually assembled like this," explained the instructor, adding with a laugh, "One roll of this film costs 500,000 yen!" Fueled by the challenge, participants dove into the task with enthusiasm.
The samples were then placed in a "thermal vacuum chamber," replicating the high-vacuum, cold environment of space. Here, participants analyzed the heat resistance and dissipation properties of their samples, gaining valuable insights into methods for maintaining satellite stability under extreme conditions.
Samples undergoing analysis in the thermal vacuum chamber
Another key activity was "vibration testing," which evaluates a satellite's ability to endure the intense vibrations of rocket launches. Participants crafted satellite models using CAD software and then tested them with a vibration generator simulating launch conditions, producing frequencies of up to 2,000 vibrations per second--replicating the intense conditions experienced by rockets like the H2A and Epsilon.
Recreating and analyzing vibrations experienced during satellite launches
From Program Participant to Space Pioneer
The program's inclusivity--welcoming participants from all academic and career backgrounds--has been a cornerstone of its success. To date, more than 500 individuals have participated in the eight beginner courses and six advanced courses offered. Attendees have included international students, law professionals, and even an actress.
"This program isn't about passing tests or earning certifications," explained Visiting Professor Hidetaka Tanaka, who has been involved in the program's management since its inception. "I want participants to leave inspired to pursue their passions in space-related fields." Yamaoka shared his observations, saying, "I often see program graduates at various academic conferences, so I believe it serves as a gateway for them to get involved in space-related fields."
Participants working together to study thermal properties
As the program shifted online during the pandemic, maintaining connections became a challenge. To address this, a community site was launched, providing a space for participants and their networks to reconnect and collaborate.
Building Connections Across Disciplines Through Space
Tanaka expressed his hopes for the program's future: "I want participants to come together and discover goals that go beyond their initial ideas." Yamaoka added, "I wish to collaborate with other universities and private companies both in Japan and internationally, to design and launch satellites together."
For details about upcoming sessions and related information, visit the Office for Space Development and Utilization Promotion website. If you're curious about the program, take a look!
Office for Space Development and Utilization Promotion
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research
The International Communications Office, Nagoya University wishes to thank the Public Relations Office, Nagoya University for the use of this article. It was originally written in Japanese for the "Public Relations Meidai" web magazine by Tatsuyuki Fukui. All photos were taken by Tatsuyuki Fukui. It has been translated and edited for clarity and readability by Scott Kwon and the International Communications Office while preserving the original content's intent. This article was originally published on May, 9 2024 so some information may not be up to date. For the original, please see here.