Nagoya University and Nagoya City initiative to boost quantum science research

Thanks to a 3-year funding commitment from the city of Nagoya, the Nagoya Quantum Industry Development Division* has been established at the Institutes of Innovation for Future Society.


Mayor Kawamura (center) with President Sugiyama (left) and Chancellor Matsuo (right)


Mayor Takashi Kawamura, Nagoya University President Naoshi Sugiyama and Tokai Higher Education and Research System Chancellor Seiichi Matsuo signed the agreement as part of a ceremony at the Noyori Conference Hall on Friday, May 31st. This was followed by a talk from Professor Shigeki Kiyonaka, director of the Quantum Science Innovation Center at the Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, about the potential of quantum research at Nagoya University.


The Nagoya Quantum Industry Development Division will take the seeds of quantum science growing in the minds of Nagoya University researchers, and connect them with the needs of industry to establish the next generation of manufacturing innovation in the Nagoya area.


*Provisional translation