Selected for the Student Program for Responding to New Needs in Society for FY2007

In FY2007 a Nagoya University program was selected for the Student Program for Responding to New Needs in Society.

The goal of the Student Program for Responding to New Needs in Society is to strengthen student support functions at all the country's universities, two-year colleges, and technical colleges, from the time students are admitted to the time they graduate. Within the organizational means of support and comprehensive student support programs, original measures and efforts are selected with students' positions in mind and with consideration given to measures that can be expected to be particularly effective. Financial support is extended to the superior programs selected, and information about them is widely disseminated throughout society.


Program name

Program supervisor

Building a Support Framework that Makes Use of Potential Support Capabilities

Kunifumi Suzuki (Director, Center for Student Counseling)


Related websites: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Selection results for Student Program for Responding to New Needs in Society in FY2007