Nagoya University signs research agreement with Aichi Cancer Center

On October 30th 2023, in a ceremony attended by President Naoshi Sugiyama, Vice President in charge of research Kenji Kadomatsu, Aichi Cancer Center President Yasumasa Niwa, and Aichi Prefecture Governor Hideaki Ohmura, Nagoya University signed an agreement with Aichi Cancer Center which will put the full power of Nagoya University's research behind the Center's efforts to fight the deadly disease. 



Aichi Cancer Center had previously established a relationship with the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine in 2018, but the new agreement covers the whole university, meaning that researchers in chemistry, informatics and engineering will be able to contribute their expertise and perspective to the complex process that is cancer treatment and research. Outside of the lab, Nagoya University experts in international law will ensure that the medical advancements made through cooperative research will be transferrable to the global clinical environment, putting Aichi Cancer Center on the global stage of cutting-edge cancer research.