
Prof. Keiko Torii Selected to Receive Saruhashi Prize for Eminent Female Scientist

Keiko Torii, Principal Investigator of the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, and Visiting Professor of the Graduate School of Science, at Nagoya University (Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Distinguished Professor at the University of Washington), has received the 35th annual Saruhashi Prize in 2015.


The prize is one of Japan's leading prizes for female scientists, with a 35-year history since its establishment in 1980. It is awarded in May of every year by the Association for the Bright Future of Women Scientists to a female scientist under the age of 50 who has achieved distinguished advances in natural science.


The subject of Prof. Torii's award-winning research project is the "Mechanism of Cell-Cell Communication and Stomatal Development in Plants."


Fur further details of the award-winning research, please refer to the following Saruhashi Prize Website (in Japanese)