Fall 2023 Graduates of ASCI Transnational Doctoral Programs for Leading Professionals Celebrated

A special graduation ceremony was held on the afternoon of September 27, 2023, to celebrate the achievements of the graduates of the Asian Satellite Campuses Institute (ASCI) Transnational Doctoral Programs for Leading Professionals who have completed their PhDs in this academic year.


ASCI Director Professor Akira Yamauchi introduced the graduates, Dr. Munkhdulam Otgonbayar (Environmental Studies) and Dr. Sukhee Erdenetuya (Medicine) from Mongolia, and Dr. Bounbouly Thanavanh (Medicine) from Laos. Congratulatory speeches were also delivered by Nagoya University President Naoshi Sugiyama, Professor Hiroshi Kimura, Dean of the Graduate School of Medicine, and Professor Satoshi Yokoyama, Dean of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies.


 ASCI is one of Nagoya University's key international outreach initiatives, with bases in Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, the Philippines, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The unique Transnational Doctoral Programs for Leading Professionals program offers MA or MSc holders from Asian countries working in government positions the opportunity to pursue a PhD at one of six Nagoya University graduate schools (Law, Medicine, Bioagricultural Sciences, International Relations, Environmental Studies, and Education and Human Development) without having to take time off from their careers.