Meet Nagoya University

Inter-University Agreements

As of May 1, 2024


AreaCountry・RegionUniversity / InstitutionsYear ConcludedTuition Exemption*
Asia (63)**CAMBODIA (3)
Royal University of Phnom Penh 2010
Royal University of Agriculture 2012
Royal University of Law and Economics 2013
CHINA (14) Nanjing University 1982
Jilin University 1985
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 1986
Tsinghua University 1989
Fudan University 1999
Xi'an Jiaotong University 1999
Zhejiang University 2000
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2001
Tongji University 2001
Northeastern University 2001
Peking University 2002  ♦ 
Harbin Institute of Technology 2002
University of Science and Technology of China 2003
Dailian University of Technology 2016
Hong Kong(4) The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2010
The University of Hong Kong 2010
City University of Hong Kong 2017
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2019
INDIA (2) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 2007
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 2008
INDONESIA (4) Gadjah Mada University 1995
The State University of Surabaya (Universitas Negeri Surabaya) 2000
Institute of Technology Bandung 2008

University of Indonesia

KOREA (12) Mokpo National University 1999
Gyeongsang National University 1999
Ewha Womans University 2002
Hanyang University 2004
Korea University 2006
Seoul National University 2006
Kyung Hee University 2007
Yonsei University 2008
Sungkyunkwan University 2009
Pohang University of Science and Technology 2011
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 2013
Korea Maritime and Ocean University 2015
LAOS (1) National University of Laos 2001
MONGOLIA (4) National University of Mongolia 2006
Mongolian University of Science and Technology 2009
Ministry of Health and Sports, Mongolia 2016  
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia 2017   
MYANMAR (1) University of Yangon 2013  ♦
PHILIPPINES (3) University of the Philippines, Los Banõs 2014 ♦ 
Visayas State University 2019  
International Rice Research Institute 2019  
SINGAPORE (3) Nanyang Technological University 2017  ♦ 
Singapore Management University 2018
National University of Singapore 2018
TAIWAN (4) National Taiwan University 2007
National Chengchi University 2007
National Tsing Hua University 2008
National Chung Cheng University 2011
THAILAND (5) Kasetsart University 1981
Chulalongkorn University 1992
Chulabhorn Research Institute/Chulabhorn Graduate Institute 2008
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi 2014 ♦ 
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited 2015  
VIETNAM (3) Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2009
Vietnam National University, Hanoi 2012
The Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam  2013   
North America (24)CANADA (7) York University 2006
University of Toronto (The Faculty of Arts and Science) 2008
Université de Montréal 2012
University of Alberta 2015  
University of Calgary 2016
University of Ottawa 2016 ♦ 
The University of British Columbia 2019 ♦ 
USA (17) North Carolina State University 1985
Harvard-Yenching Institute 1986  
University of Cincinnati 1986
St. Olaf College 2000
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 2000
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2000
New York University 2001
University of Kentucky 2008  
University of Minnesota 2008
University of California, Los Angeles 2008  
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2010 ♦ 
University of California, Davis 2012  
University of California, Berkeley 2012  
University of Florida 2015
University of Oregon 2017
Queens College, The City University of New York 2020  
Micron Foundation 2023  
Latin America and the Caribbean (3)BRAZIL (2) Universidade de Brasilia 1999
Universidade de São Paulo 2008
MEXICO (1)  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 2015
Europe (53)AUSTRIA (1) University of Innsbruck 2012
BELGUIUM(1) KU Leuven 2016 ♦ 
CZECH (1) Czech Technical University in Prague 2018  ♦ 
DENMARK (2) University of Copenhagen 1984
Aarhus University 2016
FINLAND(1) The University of Helsinki 2019
FRANCE (11) Université de Strasbourg 2001
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC)Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) 2002  ♦ 
Université Paris Cité (Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7) 2004
Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 2006
Communaute Universite Grenoble Alpes 2006
Université Paris-Est 2009
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 2012
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme  2012  
Aix-Marseille Université 2015  

Universite Paris-Saclay(Paris-Sud University)

University of Reims Champagne Ardenne 2019  
GERMANY (5) Technische Universität Braunschweig 1985
Technische Universität München 1997
Technische Universität Chemnitz 2000
University of Freiburg 2001
RWTH Aachen 2012
ICELAND(1) University of Iceland 2016 ♦ 
ITALY (4) National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) 2005  
University of Catania 2008
University of Bologna 2011
Sapienza University of Rome 2014  
NETHERLANDS(2) University of Twente 2017
Radboud University 2018 ♦ 
NORWAY (2) University of Oslo 2015
University of Oslo(INTPART PROJECT) 2022  
POLAND (2) University of Warsaw 2010
Institute of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS), Polich Academy of Sciences 2015  
RUSSIA(2) Ioffe Institute 2016  
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences 2016  
SPAIN (1) University of Barcelona 2010
SWEDEN (2) Uppsala University 2010
Royal Institute of Technology 2011
SWITZERLAND (1) University of Geneva 2010
UK (9) The University of Sheffield 1985
The University of Warwick 1985
University of Bristol 2001
University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) 2008
The University of Leeds 2014
The University of Edinburgh 2014  
University of Cambridge, St John's College 2014
University of St Andrews 2017  
Durham University 2017
UZBEKISTAN (5) Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) 2006
University of World Economy and Diplomacy 2010
Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Raykhan Beruniy 2015  
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2016  
Samarkand State University 2016
Pacific (8)AUSTRALIA (8) University of Sydney 1985
Monash University 2003
Flinders University 2004
University of South Australia 2004
The University of Adelaide 2004
The Australian National University 2006
The University of Western Australia 2015 ♦ 
University of New South Wales 2018
Middle East (1)TURKEY (1) Bilkent University 2010
Africa (4)EGYPT (1) Cairo University 2011  
KENYA (2) University of Nairobi 2013
Kenya agricultural and livestock research organization(KALRO) 2019  
SOUTH AFRICA (1) Stellenbosch University 2014
Multilateral (3)

Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)

National University of Laos(Laos)

Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Raykhan Beruniy (Uzbekistan)University of Tsukuba (Japan) 2015   

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)

National Korea Maritime and Ocean University (Korea)

Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

International Organization (3)    

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Reseach in Agriculture(SEARCA)

European Organization for Nuclear Reseach (CERN)  1990   
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)  2013   

* Tuition is exempted for exchange students from / to these universities and / or institutions.

** The number inside ( ) represents the number of agreements.